Project Management Consulting Services

Business Process Mapping

Our project management services range from Project Development and Management, Project Design, Co-ordination and Programme Management in the areas of human capital development

(e.g. skills development programmes and learnerships), socio-economic development and empowerment, economic research and feasibility studies, agricultural and organisational change management.


  • Advise the client on the selection of appropriate projects.
  • Carry out project feasibility studies and the development of the scope, schedule, cost and approach for all project requirements.
  • Assist the owner to speedily establish the basic brief for the project, approve the design concept and the budget.
  • Act as Principal Agent responsible for administration, management and communication of the project.
  • Co-ordinate the efforts of Professionals, Contractors and Suppliers associated with the project.
  • Carry out effective cost planning, cost controlling and monitoring throughout the duration of a project.
  • Monitor and control progress and scheduling. Issuing of continuous and detailed progress reports to clients and stakeholders of all actions.
  • Issue out a comprehensive close-out/ completion report that reflects all positive and negative aspects as well as suggestions for continuous improvement for future.